Student Info Management System

SIMS(Student Info Management System) - It is a Java-based GUI application that allows users to manage student information. It is made by using java awt and swing packages maily and it is GUI based. Apache Netbeans is used while building this project. The database used for this is Mysql and it is very efficient for storing the data. SIMS project is a valuable tool for managing student information. It can be used by educational institutions of all sizes to streamline their administrative processes and improve student outcomes.
Project Overview
Project Name : Student Info Management System
Abstract : It's a GUI-based project used with the Swing module to manage the Student details and their attendance of an Institution.
Languages Used : JAVA
IDE : NetBeans
DataBase : MySQL
Type : Desktop Application
Author : Garapati. pavan kumar
1. Login
The login is the first window that will be open whenever the user open our application.
login login sucessfull
2. Home
This is the first look of my project, where you have four options which are Register, Update, View, Attendance in which there will take you to thier respective portals.
3. Register
Register is used to register the student with all his respective details and all his/her details will be loaded into the database(MySQL) and will be stored permanently. If any error occurs then an error message will displayed so that the user corrects it and also the correct details of the student will only be registered.
Register Register
4. Update
The Update tab is used for Updating the student details if there occurs any mistake during the time of registration. Also the update tab have options like left arrow and right arrow which are used to see the details of next and previous students. We can the see the details of the students individually. Here is we want we can also print the respective details of the student.
Update Update Update Update Update Update Update Update
5. View
The View tab is used to see the details of the students. The difference between the Update and view is that in the update we can only see individual details where as in view tab we can see the details of all students that belongs to same section at a time in a table format.There is also a search option in view tab which is used to search through the details of the students or filter the students.Since some of the details of the students are mmissing in the view tab and if we want to access them we just have to select the student and click on full details.
View View View View
6. Attendance
The Attendance tab is used to give the attendance for the registered students. The date changes automatically according to the current date that implies we can only change attendance for the students for a particular date only during that day. If the date is changed then we cannot change the previous date attendance, it provides better security. In this there are two tabs Upload and view. The upload tab is used to give attendance and the view tab is used to see the days attended,working days and attendance percentage of the students.
Attendance Attendance Attendance Attendance Attendance Attendance Attendance
7. Students Side
This is created for the students in which during the time of registration they are given a 7 digit password. If they login with their registration number and password they can see their details and their attendance percentage also if the attendance is less than 75% then if tells attend the college regularly. The students can also print their details by clicking on the print button.
Students Side
Students Side Students Side
Students Side


Here are some specific ways that SIMS project could be used:


Schools can use your SIMS project to track student enrollment, attendance, grades, and other important information. This information can be used to generate reports for parents and administrators, and to make informed decisions about student placement and curriculum development.

Colleges and universities:

Colleges and universities can use your SIMS project to manage student admissions, registration, financial aid, and academic progress. This information can be used to generate reports for accrediting agencies and government agencies, and to make informed decisions about resource allocation and academic programs.

Other educational institutions:

Other educational institutions, such as adult education programs and vocational training programs, can also use your SIMS project to manage their student information. Your SIMS project is a versatile tool that can be used by a variety of educational institutions to improve their efficiency and effectiveness. I am confident that your project will be a valuable resource for others.